Consultations are free and confidential, provided by business professionals.
If you cancel a consultation: Please call or email within 48 hours of your appointment: (303) 326-8686 or
Please plan your schedule carefully and mark your calendar with meeting information. Just as you are building a successful business by taking advantage of SBDC consulting services, so the SBDC depends on your prompt and consistent attendance at consultations for our success. Thank you.
Chronically late or repeated cancelations:
Note: It is important that you keep your appointment. This is a free service to entrepreneurs, but the consultant’s expertise and time is of great value to the business community. If you are chronically late or cancel two or more appointments in a row, you will not have access to a consultant for six months.
If the SBDC cancels a consultation: The SBDC reserves the right to cancel a consultation due to extreme weather or instructor emergency. You will be notified by phone and email. The Administrative Specialist will call or email to reschedule with you.