Small Business Resource & Lenders Fair
Did you miss the March Resource Expo? No worries, Arapahoe Libraries is host to the Aurora-South Metro SBDC’s Small Business Resource & Lenders Fair on Saturday, May 4th, 10AM – 12PM, at Smoky Hill Library in Centennial.
There is a wealth of business resources at your fingertips. Learn about many nonprofit government and lending resources at the upcoming at this FREE event to learn about helpful local government and funding resources available to start or expand your business. This is a ‘kick off’ to National #SmallBusinessWeek.
Join other entrepreneurs and visit over a dozen business resource partners who will each give a short introduction to their services. There will be speakers from the SBA Colorado District Office, and several other state and local agencies. Nonprofit lenders will be on hand to discuss their funding programs with attendees. Marcia McGilley, Executive Director of the Aurora-South Metro SBDC, will emcee the event, and there will be a brief presentation about Arapahoe Libraries’ business resources and from a local small business owner who has received benefit from these same resources. The fair is a free event; just let us know you’re coming.
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