Economic Recovery



Entrepreneurs with a completed flexible business plan are more likely to succeed.  LEADING EDGE is the business planning flagship program for entrepreneurs in the State of Colorado.

LEADING EDGE™ is a course designed to help entrepreneurs create a short and flexible business plan that will help guide your business as you get underway. The fee-based series will take place online with SBDC certified instructors. Participants learn how to analyze economic opportunities and risk for their business and create an actionable strategic business plan based on proven market research and management techniques.

Not sure yet?  Participate in a short Info Session with the Director (register here).

Sign up for the low-cost four-part LEADING EDGE Start-Up Essentials series beginning January 21st — 4 consecutive Thursdays, 6PM-9PM, (register here).

Missed the first session?  Sign up for individual sessions.  All webinars are listed at

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 in Spanish:  ¿Qué necesito para empezar mi negocio? (partes 1-3) 
Para información en español, haga clic aquí.

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Strategic Planning Series
April 23 – May 14, 2021 (4 Thursdays, 9:00 – 11:30 AM)


§  Businesses in operation two years and over.

§  Entrepreneurs who want to grow and find new clients.

§  Ideal webinar if you need to pivot your business during the COVID-19 pandemic.


1.  Understanding Your Business Model

2.  How Operations and Finances Together Build Success

3.  Marketing To Ensure Sales

4.  Putting the Plan Together


Learn more and register here.



Keep Up with COVID-19 Business Information

The bill SB20B-001 provides $57 million in direct aid, grants, and annual fee waivers to struggling small businesses and also creates grant programs and allocates funds specifically for art and cultural organizations as well as minority-owned businesses.  Keep informed about funding programs at the Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade (OEDIT)  (  You may wish to read the bill details at COVID-19 Relief Small And Minority Businesses Arts Organizations | Colorado General Assembly (

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For the latest COVID-19 assistance from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA):

Paycheck Protection Program, rounds 1 and 2, information and resource page:
If you can’t find answers to your questions about forgiveness, call 1-

Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) has been extended to the end of the year 12/31/21:
For EIDL program questions or assistance, contact the SBA’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-659-2955 or  Remember to include your name, business name, phone number, email, and loan #.  Ask that a loan officer respond by emailing you or calling you directly.

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County Resources:

Adams County Small Business Stabilization Program and Mini-Grant applications:

Arapahoe County Small Business Relief Fund Grant (deadline is 1/31/21):
Five Star Recovery Partner Program: 

Douglas County Small Business Relief Grant (deadline is 1/29/21):

Tri-County Health Department also gives Safer At Home Guidance for Business:
You can Connect by webinar or see many valuable links to Guidance information.

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The State of Colorado sites may be useful for small business to keep up with COVID-19 information as it changes:

“Colorado’s dial framework  about different levels of “openness” at the county level. It is a tool for counties to use to make life during the pandemic more sustainable, allowing us to balance, to the greatest extent possible, controlling the virus with our social and economic needs.”  Visit the state site:  You can look for guidance by sector:

Can’t find an answer?  Submit your COVID-related  issues and concerns online:

Keep Up with COVID-19 Business Information Read More »

Business Conversations

Pivoting and Reopening Your Business for Success  
Recommended:   Take each of the one-hour “Business Conversations” webinars for a complete look at how to pivot your business and reopen during the pandemic.  Bring your best practices and questions.  There will be plenty of time for discussion.  Titles include:

  • Are You Financially Prepared for Best and Worst Case Pandemic Scenarios?
  • What Should I Avoid in Digital Marketing?
  • How Do I Transition to a Virtual Workplace?
  • Is My Blog Bringing Me Paying Customers?
  • Beyond Increasing Sales, How Can I Save My Business?
  • How Do I Get Over My Fear of Video Marketing?
  • How Do I Lead and Manage During a Pandemic?


En Español:
Conversaciones de Negocios:
 — Estas vendiendo COMO tus clientes están comprando?
Estás preparado para los mejores y peores escenarios financieros
 — Qué debes evitar cuando haces Mercadeo Digital?

Resiliency Series:  Marketing Strategies
1) Creating Your Marketing Message
2) Marketing Tactics and Tools
Two webinars to give you a more complete marketing plan — followed by virtual consulting!
Who Should Attend: Those in business one year or more

Register today: 

Business Conversations Read More »

PPP Flexibility Act and EIDL


NOTE:  The EIDL loan application must be submitted by December 31, 2020:
SBA – Disaster Loan Assistance (

SBA Coronavirus Pandemic Disaster Loans Comparison (click here)
PPP / EIDL comparison chart (click here).
The EIDL and Advance is open for all small businesses again:

Paycheck Protection Program ( — Application Deadline: August 8th.
Applications  are closed.

  • Recent changes (summary from SBA June, 9, 2020):
    * Extends the maturity for loans made on or after June 5, 2020 from two years to five years.
  • * Extends the covered period from June 30, 2020 to December 31, 2020 for forgiveness of PPP loans.
  • * Extends the covered period for the use of loan proceeds from eight weeks to 24 weeks.
  • * Provides a safe harbor for small businesses from the rehire requirements if the business owner can document their inability to hire employees for unfilled positions by December 31, 2020 or their inability to return to the same level of business activity because of federal COVID requirements pertaining to social distancing, sanitation, and worker safety.
  • * Allows borrowers to use 60 percent of the loan amount for payroll costs and up to 40 percent for debt obligations, including interest on a mortgage, rent payment, or utility payment.
  • * Extends the deferment period for loans retroactively until the amount of forgiveness is remitted to the borrower by the lender (the deferment period ends for all borrowers 10 months after the end of the covered period).
  • * Delays the payment of employer payroll taxes until January 1, 2021 for PPP borrowers.
    Journal of Accountancy (click here for more information)

* Independent contractors: submit documentation that will assist in proving how you ‘pay’ yourself:  draws, 1099’s, Schedule C of the 1040, etc.  Ultimately, the decision to approve the funds is with the processor.
* The forgiveness portion of the PPP is taxable; the balance that is either returned or retained as a loan is not taxable.
* SBA Loan Comparison Chart | EIDL / PPP Q&A

Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)
The EIDL and Advance is open for all small businesses again:

EIDL SBA Customer Service Contact (email is best): | 1-800-659-2955. Please use your application # in the correspondence. Operators do not have access to loan information. They can place notes on the callers file, and callers can request to speak to a Loan Officer for assistance. Businesses should send an email if they are interested in additional EIDL funds, if they become available, so that the request is on record. Contact information should include: business name, business contact name, email, phone, address, EIN and EIDL Loan Number.

  • The EIDL Advance is no longer available.
  • To receive updates from the SBA, go to, then click on NewsRoom.  It takes you a page with instructions which allows individuals to self-subscribe. To report fraud:
  • The SBDC does not process loans; the SBDC is partially funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), but is not the SBA, a federal agency.

See information about SBA’s Express Loan Pilot Program if eligible.

Alternative Funding Sources (requires a little research but may prove beneficial).
Keep an eye on the state site for more opportunities:
Stay up-to-date here:

Unemployment Assistance
Colorado’s Unemployment home page:
* Unemployment is taxable income.

Direct link to reopen a claim  (
If you have already filed for benefits, you do not need to contact CDLE to receive supplement unemployment insurance benefits.

* Contact form for Claim questions (only) here.
* Return to work guidance here.

PPP Flexibility Act and EIDL Read More »

Return To Work – The New Normal

Alternative Funding Sources (requires a little research but may prove beneficial).
Keep an eye on the state site for more opportunities:
Stay up-to-date here:

Tri-County Health Department Guidance for Businesses: link here
Reopen Your Business Energize Colorado link
Purchase PPE and other SuppliesEnergize Colorado link
SCORE’s Checklist for reopening a general business during the COVID-19 pandemic
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment contact page link
CDC’s Signage (free downloads).

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SBA Coronavirus Pandemic Disaster Loans Comparison (click here)
PPP / EIDL comparison chart (click here).
Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)
The EIDL and Advance is open for all small businesses again:
See next blog for SBA loan updates.

Alternative Funding Sources: click here
Aurora‘s business grant program (Aurora Economic Recovery Grant Program): click here
Englewood‘s business grant program: click here
Centennial‘s business grant program (Centennial CARES Small Business Grants): click here

Return To Work – The New Normal Read More »

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