March 2021

#SBDCDay, March 17, 2021

Over half of SBDC clients nationwide start a new business in their first year of working with their local SBDC, and 95% of SBDC clients recommend their local SBDCs. In 2020, during unprecedented challenges, SBDCs across the country served over 500,000 small businesses and entrepreneurs. AND, closer to home, Aurora-South Metro SBDC clients give us over a 95% satisfaction rating.  Visit

What are you waiting for? Contact us today!
303-326-8686 | #SBDCDay

Coming up on #SBDCDay
Preparing for Taxes, March 17th, 6:00 – 7:30 PM, FREE
(register here
Checklist for your tax preparer:
– What is the difference between the 1040 and Schedule C?
– As a business, what deductions do I have?
– How does EIDL/PPP or other grants affect my taxes?
– What happens if I received unemployment?
= = = = =
Preparándose para los Impuestos, 18 de marzo, 6:00 – 7:30 PM, Gratis
(register here)
– Que documentos debe preparar para pagar mis impuestos de negocio?
– Cuál es la diferencia entre la forma 1040 y la forma “C” para negocios?
– A que créditos puedo acceder como negocio?
– Como afecta el haber recibido EIDL/PPP u otras becas a mis impuestos?
– Que pasa si recibí desempleo

#SBDCDay, March 17, 2021 Read More »

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